weird experiences at your local/skateparks


Steel Member
Okay dunno if there's a thread like this but still, post weird stuff up that's happened to you at a skatepark

First one was I saw a kid wearing an electrical extension cord plugged into itself as a belt

Some kids got out there Allen keys and took off all these huge wooden decking things searching for money so they could go buy a 90c bottle of soda

There was 2 kids having a fight in the carpark which is next to the skatepark and one of the kids parents and parents friends all started yelling at like 20 of us for watching them fight then they tried abusing some kids and then they started grabbing like huge rocks throwing it at people so we all bolted back into the park and then they came over with more rocks just chucking them at anyone and then they came in trying to grab some people but I just stayed around the bowl so they couldn't get me then they threw more rocks and said they were gonna come back with 5 cars full of people to bash us all then the cops rocked up asking everyone questions and shit but they never showed up

Yeah my local is in a bad area hahaha


got rolled for wearing a red beanie, turned into this massive as argument because they took heaps of shit. A kid swapping parts and his mum comes up and yelled. And a kid faceplanted, and his dad was yelling st him like "aw shot you fucking little dickhead, you done it now, im taking your scooter off you" I was like, wut.


Silver Member
I've seen one chick give 2 guys head at the same time.

I've also seen what the local twelvsies call a 'potfire', they grab all the ciggies, weed, pills and shit that they can find and put it in a metal tin, sit in the middle of the bowl and light all of it up with a bit of help from diesel. They then crowd around it, taking turns leaning over it and inhaling the smoke.

I've also seen a scooter kids Dad fight a BMX rider.

I live in a pretty uneventful place.

Bobby R

Steel Member
2 drunk dudes drifting in the skatepark almost killing 2 little kids, then they park the car come back upto the park with a 2x4 and threaten to hit this biker then the biker throws his bike at them, once that happened like 30-40 people jumped in and whooped their asses and someone threw them into a bowl about 10 feet deep then someone jumped from top to bottom on one of the guys faces.

some kid lights a playground on fire

it's not strange but every thursday people come to the park and use the hockey rink to play bike polo or dodgeball

some girl with down syndrome came upto me when i was eating a poptart once and tried to take it from me.

pretty much every week some girl tries to drop in with a board or bike and eats it

the skatepark i go to is a bit... ghetto i suppose you could think of it if you see it so alot of times there's a bunch of gangs, but the reason i'm trying to get this out of the way is because of the heat alot of bikers tires pop and when they pop out of no where it kinda sounds like a gun shot so everyone gets freaked out.

Some kid was fighting someone's cousin and the cousin started losing so he picked up the dude slammed him on the ground then he starts to have a seizure, then some big ass biker came from behind him and punched him right in the face and he started leaking blood like a fucking sink, and he broke his eye socket with that punch.


a couple days ago a guy pulled a knife on somebody at the park that the guy grabs his hands, throws him on the ground and takes his knife from him and puts it to his throat.

issac p

Silver Member
some girl smashed her head trying to ride the bowl on a skateboard, and as the parents of the girl were crying the guy that worked at the park was like "whatever, not my fault."

like 2 years ago the fox bmx team was at my local and some skater was talking shit about biking, so dakota roche, chase dehart, and robbie morales beat the shit out of him. haha


Bronze member
Local one
People smoke weed there all the time
theres a one hitter under the ramp
one time this kids dad started talking shit and like all the locals ganged up on him and he left
i did the truffle shuffle for 2 minutes for 10 dollars (easiest money of my life)

Local 2
A guy had his whole family and dog in a skatepark, the dog kept chasing us or barking everytime we went by the box so we said get the dog out the skatepark, then after This big ass chinese guy came up and kept threatning to kill us. The guys name was taco, and the skatepark was next to a police station