what are you doing

what are you doing right now(besides reading this) whats around you, whos there, and whats happening.

im just really bored, and want to know what your doing


Steel Member
he meant the one not for scooters

also im in bed on my laptop, its like midnight, and i really need to piss but i dont wanna get up because im really comfy right now.


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
dads eating something behind me on the couch out of a mug.
wolf creek is on TV and he's watching and im having glances.

pretty exciting.


Silver Member
I am in bed trying to go to sleep, my fan is making a noise and it's really hot. My arm is aching and it's elevated on a pillow to minimize swelling.


Steel Member
Wearing my lucky scooters beanie and studying for hspt. Also I have my foot stuck on my bed. In a few minutes I'm gonna bring my finger bike over here if I can get unstuck