what is a bri flip

hi im just wondering what a bri flip exactly is and how do you do it, because i see it done in videos all the time, well i think its what it is thanks for all your help

Matt Dibble

Staff member
Brandon Kilbury said:
very rarely do i see people referring to scooterflips as BS or FS but ill put it anyways. everyone knows you scooterflip to one side, now this is talking about SCOOTERFLIPS, as in front or back, taking one hand off (which is a real scooterflip, as named by the creater jordan miller*) anyways, say you ride regular and scooterflip with your left hand, so the scooter is flipping on your right side, or your front. this is FS, if with your right hand, its behind you and its called BS. same with front and back scooterflips, but i think its pretty pointless to use, i would just say opposite scooterflip.

also, i think it would be nice if everyone started categorizing their "scooterflips" as either
-front scooterflip
-back scooterflip
-front bri flip
-bri flip (or back bri flip)

becuase front and back scooterflip were the original names, and back scooterflip x up was the original name for bri flips before everyone decided to call them bri flips. before i knew it Josh Toy was calling scooterflips inward and outward impossibles or something and inward and outward stuck with people so they started saying inward and outward scooterflips and ugh i just think the 4 i listed above are just a lot simpler and they are the real names anyways. but if you insist on calling them all that other stuff, then at least say front or back, inward or outward, because "scooterflip" doesnt say a thing.

Also this is what i said before i quoted Mr. Kilbury here....

a bri flip is a variation of a scooter flip. You just do a back scooterflip and keep both hands on at all times. Front bri flips are the same... keep both hands on whilst doing a front scooterflip.

Oh, and a back scooterflip is when you bring the scooter up and over your head (like the scooter doing a backflip without you on it)... and you take one hand off so the scooter and bars stay straight.

Front scooterflip is the same just doing a frontflip with the scooter instead of backflip.

There is also inward/outward/all that crap but i dont get into it because it confuses me.