What the fuck Fuzion -______-

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
"With a little downward pressure you can make vertical jumps effortlessly!"
How about you grow some balls and fucking jump like a normal person...
I honestly cant believe that this is trying to be marketed to us and not little kids. This isnt gonna get the sport any more respect. If anything it makes it look more childish. Its cheating if you ask me. Why not just practice?

Dom Marconi

Silver Member
You make this piece of ----- then try to get our money to put it into production? Fuck yourselves.

They didn't make it.
In fact, the reason why this thing is posted up, asking for money, is because it is so retarded.
You think Nextsport doesn't have the $20,000 to invest in this?
Have you ever seen anything else Nextsport has made on this website?

The guy who had the idea for this product came to Fuzion to finance/market the project. I'm sure they agreed to market the product, but seeing as it definitely seemed like a risky venture, they wanted him to raise $20,000 to put it into production.

tl;dr Fuzion thinks it's retarded, which is why it's on here asking for money.


Bronze member
i can see some kid riding that thing.... him jumping it... feet slip off mid air.. fork compresses on landing... fork rebounds and smacks kids face....dead


Bronze member
Looks like the back metal part will snap fast, would be funny to see some pros shred on it though.


Silver Member
The scooter community over-reacts to everything. It's simple; if you don't support it don't donate.

Fuzion throws a scooter in the bin for advertisement - Community damns them to hell and claims to never respect them again.
Fuzion starts kickstarter page for unique original design - Community damns them to hell for being different. And because they threw a scooter in the bin.

The kids couldn't even jump that high on it. Slow-motion jumping up a curb haha that's disgusting.


Silver Member
It's making the sport look worse. This isn't something they should be pushing towards our community, it's something they should be pushing toward toy stores. These things don't just have no effect on us. It sets us back more and more when these gimmicks become a reality.