What trick did you break your scooter on?


I'm curious to see what tricks you guys break your scooters on, im pretty sure my phoenix is going to break, I have had like for 5 months. I'm hoping to break it before six months but anyways.....

To get things started off, I broke my scoot after a sesh on a two foot ledge....pretty gay....


Steel Member
Nollie. Flat.

Repetitive feebles for like three of them, boost my quarter into a sketch transition, it broke at the bottom of the transition, gapping a two-stair, first go too.

Basically a bunch of gay shit.


Steel Member
i jumped 4 stair and whipped a 3 stair and jump down a grass gap and let my friend ride my scooter for 30 seconds and he jumped up a curb and snapped my fork haha


Steel Member
I had a pro deck and it was one hit away from breaking and I forgot that it was that bad when I was just riding around town so I snapped it just dropping down a 3 stair to get somewhere.

Broke a fork whipping up a gap that was about 3 feet high and 5 feet long.

Broke another deck by just stepping on it to ride it and I was thinking uhhhh wtf.

Broke some bars cause I thought it would be cool to make my scooter do a quad backflip off of my quarter pipe.


Steel Member
i broke my pro on a flyout 3 whip while i was goofing around. No cracks or anything. It just... broke.


Steel Member
I hate that flyout does so much damage to your scooter haha cause thats the easiest way to learn tricks.

Ain't I a newb?


Steel Member
broke stock bars whipping flat...
old a fork 360in flat
old a deck dubbing my kicker
broke lucky fork on a 2 set/manny pad thing
pro deck 180 barring this little bitty gap and got pissed and finished it off