What's the deal with foot-down tricks?


Bronze member
I've been seeing a lot of videos lately with people doing flairs and stuff putting their foot down before they do the trick. I'm not saying that it doesn't take skill. But it seems a bit sketchy and doesn't look as good. It makes sense if you do like a street frontflip. But otherwise it seems like you could have just done the trick anyway without your foot down. Any opinions?


Steel Member
as we both have the same name, im going to have to disagree with you sadly one foot is way harder that you might think it is and making it harder it looks much better and dope

issac p

Silver Member
ive been doing fast plant frontside 3's forever and they're still one of my favorite tricks. to me, they're a little harder than normal frontside 3's, especially down sets.


Bronze member
fast plants are fun and when used right look nice. like i enjoy doing fast plants on the top of quarters/sub boxes. and watch jon knudtson he kills any caveman/foot down tricks.


It's just a new fad. Footplant frontflips were all the rage at West this year. Fastplants can be cool on occasion though.


Bronze member
Fastplants are the new thing i guess, if you do them the right way it can look pretty cool actually


ya boy boo radley
Staff member
Now they're played out, like bartwists were and like kickless rewinds will be in a few months.


Steel Member
fastplant air variations look sick as hell imo. But if all you do is no comply tricks like that one guy everyone made fun of, just stop


Steel Member
I love fastplants but no one seems that bothered about them round me. Footless rewinds are the craze in England though.


Silver Member
Really? They used to be really popular but they died down.. Are they coming black? YEAH I SAID IT! BLACK!