Whats your highest bunnyhop/ Bonelles you done on flat?

...highest bunnyhop: Over 6 Skateboards (of couse perpendicularly and foged Decks)
...highest Bonelles: Over 8 Decks (of couse perpendicularly and foged Decks)

<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited ]</span>

Jake Carlyon

Steel Member
There not ollies, there bunnyhops..I can bunnyhop up onto a thing prolly 60-80cm high but when im riding around I can only bunnyhop up 50cm's high


it doesnt matter, this site is international i guess.

california, the east coast...

umm idk, i've never really measured myself, i'll go check later today


im talking to everyone because im cocky like that, unless its someone better than me, thats where the "probably" comes in
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Tue Jul 12 2005, 08:56AM ]</span>
seankane said:
probably higher than you

i guess you can figure out how many cm/in that is yourself

"probably higher than you": I dont care. Thats not a Bunnyhob Contest thread betwen you and me. My question was: how high is you bunny hop/Bonelles? and even then: can you prove it?

"i guess you can figure out how many cm/in that is yourself": Im/were talking about "cm in feet" and not "feet in cm." So I dont have to figure... Even when its feet in cm. I know this unit "feet" and I dont have to figure it...
[quote='smallblacktext'>[ Edited ]</span>[/quote]
isnt it boneless?
anyway i dont jump very high and ive never figured out how long i can gap