Which phone should I get

Jimmy C

Steel Member
Ive had the same iphone for over a year. Best phone ive ever had. Cant compare it to my old droid, blackberry bold, or even my moms droid x

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Just go for the absolute best, get a galaxy s2 or nexus. Iphones are hopelessly closed off and slow. You wont be happy with either of those phones unless you install some fast and simple roms which lack good features.

Htc one x, galaxy s2, lumia 900... Just look for a dual core phone with at least a 1.2 ghz processor. Android is a plus, but windows mobile is dope too. Apples ios just blows compared to them.


And btw, im using my s2 4g touch right now to post this. As flawless as my computer, which is flawless. On wifi and 4g, the galaxy line up can open up ny times in less than a second with all of the cache and cookies cleared. And thats a really complicated website with a bunch of advertisements and embedded videos (which btw, you wouldnt be able to watch on an iphone because they dont support flash.)

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member


Steel Member
@anthony07801: Just wondering if you knew. What kind of processer does the samsung stratosphere have? i have it and I really like even if it doesn't have a good sized "RAM" or proccesser.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
The iphone has less power than the original galaxy s. Its crap. Wait for the iphone 5 if you muat have an iphone (trust me).
@connor its got the same processor as the ace. Honestly for most people 1ghz is enough but you need to keep up with the data clearing and app closing. I use mine as a computer away from my computer so i have diff needs from my phone.
If ar all possible, anyone getting a new phone should put the extra money in for an htc one x or galaxy s3. If not the skyrocket\ epic 4g touch is the next best thing. In another 2 years the ace and iphones (and similarly powered phones) are going to look like shit.


Steel Member
I did some research on some different smart phones but still don't understand some things. I read that ICS or Ice Cream Sandwich is a "Ram Processer." (I think that's what you call it) And I also read that my phone (Samsung Stratosphere) might upgrade to ICS. Is that true? I'm kind of clueless when it comes to the inner technology in phones. Another question is: I am using the "Task Manager Widget" and I am using around 260mb out of the 380mb in my ram. Am I slowing down my phone? My last question is: Is there a way to delete the default apps? I really will never use apps like NFL Mobile, Amazon Kindle and Blockbuster.
I know I'm a noob but: Tips for people with Androids

Uninstall the games that come default on your phone! My phone came with Lets Golf 2 and it was 128megabytes. That was also on my phones internal storage which is only 2gigabytes. My phone also came with NFS Shift. That was 140megabytes and was also on my phones internal storage! You can't fully delete these games but you can "Uninstall updates" which brings it's size down to about 8kilobytes.

My last tip (I know I only have two) is that you should clear your browsers history and cache daily. I never cleared my history or cache for about a month and it said it took up 40megabytes of space! You should also clear your RAM daily and stop all apps that you are not using.