Whip catch help?


Steel Member
I can double whip and stuff but i cant whip catch. any tips on catching? i usually either over-whip it or whip too slowly


Steel Member
stand on the ground with one foot and just practice whipping and catching with your foot out. same thing works for barspins, double barspins, double whips, etc. you just have to get used to muscle memorizing how hard to kick = how fast to catch with your foot.

if you are regular whip with your back(right foot) and catch with the same. if you are goofy you are kicking with your right(front foot and toes really) but catching with your left.

so try to catch with one foot then bring it the rest of the way/add 2nd foot after - might make it easier..

the more you do it the easier it gets like everything else. good luck

Kieran Mayhew

stand on the ground with one foot and just practice whipping and catching with your foot out. same thing works for barspins, double barspins, double whips, etc. you just have to get used to muscle memorizing how hard to kick = how fast to catch with your foot.
I'm now gonna use this theory with every trick I try to learn.


Steel Member
Use your heels, pull your deck up a tiny bit and point your toes upwards, as soon as the deck hits push down. That's how I do it.

Scott Freibaum

Steel Member
It may sound stupid but I learned whip catches by learn no footer catches. Just jumping taking my feet off and spreading them and then putting my feet back together and pulling the deck out.


Nono, don't slam your feet down, if you do that you'll have no air time after you catch. Instead try and pull the deck up to your feet.


Bronze member
Try to watch the deck as it spins around, and sort of stick your foot out to meet with it. It helps to pull the deck up into your feet, if that makes sense. If you do them off of a kicker, it basically forces you to catch it.