Anyone in Brissy wanna ride? im bored shitless out in jindalee and need someone who isnt 12 to ride with.
13 is sweet, I look like im 12 anyway.
And wait till zane sees that^^^hahaha.
nice m16 on the core![]()
Taylor, you and I both know this was not the case. For one, Unfair doesn't swear and all that was said to Todd was that there was 'rumours' that you were making kids take their Unfair stickers off their scooters. You have no right to boss kids around like that, just because you don't like the brand. Unfair doesn't say a single bad thing about Moonwalk - they are happy to work together with Moonwalk. I was there when this conversation went down, I know what was said. You weren't even there.
"If" you were bashing kids then those kids would have reported you to the police and that didn't happen therefore you didn't bash little kids and nothing was ever said. You need to grow up and stop making up your own rumours.
Everyone can play together in this industry.