i have a unsealed fsa and the fork will not come out any answers.
or just get a stock razor crossbar and put it over the top of the fork and hit the crossbar with a hammer
never get fsa pig unseal'ds
they suck
Most unsealed's suck. Cane Creeks are aight.
Know anything on districts? Mine aint exactly run in yet..
care for it and grease it and itel be fine
when it gets dirty clean then re grease
Thankyous. Any particular grease?
Does that apply to all unseal'ds? (as a rule of thumb)
do not use any thing like "wd40" and shit like that
use thick grease like the stuff that comes in tubs or tubes most people have that kind in there garage , when you do re-grease it make sure you get a old rag or somthing and remove the old grease and any debris inside