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is scootering comming bac or what ? the answer to that is yes ....so how come its not on the x-games? its stupid that its not and some how we have to get it on their! everyone that looks at this should e-mail the dude that runs it and complain...so is it going to be on their or are they atleast thinking about it ? 8)

brandon kilbury

Super Moderator
i have a feeling that its not just one guy that runs the x games, and a bunch of emails arent gunna change anything. we just have to wait it out, eventually comps will start popping up in more places and itll get bigger and get more coverage. for now theres not much we can do but keep riding and progressing.

Jordan Jasa

Silver Member
its definetly not big enough...yet. I sent an email once to them about maybe having a demo and I repeatedly asked them to reply back but they didn't. I dont think they read those emails. The biggest example of why scootering isn't big enough yet: the total members of SR is about 2250 I think and only roughly 1/4 of them actually post. And like Brandon said, the only thing we can do is to keep riding and progressing and to let time do its thing.
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