Who is coming this year? I've got a FREE brunch to prepare, so a head count would be quite helpful!
Edited by Matt Dibble:
Get in this list!
1. Me
2. BK
3. Tyler Hale
4. Levon Fortin
5. Cade Jones
6. Jordie Robinson
7. Jordan Jasa
8. Hep Greg
9. Margaret Mulligan
10. Jason Beggs
11. Tyler Bonner
12. Josh Toy
13. Dalton Mazzante
14. Nick Griff
15. "retro12"
16. Dom Marconi
17. Jason Salajcik
18. Chris Koenig
19. Taylor Willis
20. Jake Hershey
21. Josh Kish
22. Joey Kish
23. Kyle Springer
24. Aidan Christie
25. Lucas Pudsey
26. Lloyd Bureau
27. Jon Bertolasio
28. Matt Somers
29. LamonteTyre
30. Logan Fuller
31. Joe Armstrong
32. Tommy Cotrell
33. Ryan Erwin
34. Andrew Gilbert
35. Tyler Hibbard
36. Brian Griffin
37. Cory Vanlew
38. Raymond Warner
39. Austin Neura
40. Rigel Fuller
41. Dan Barrett
42. Jon Reyes
43. John Mattes
44. Matt Ogle
45. Gus Rymer
46. Emilio Jimenez
47. Taylor B.
48. Dre
49. Nick Gardner
50. Matt Madera
1. Brandon Ruhl
2. Tommy Christiana
3. Ryan Upchurch
4. Andy Bradford
5. Hunter Bentle
6. Matt LashBrook
7. Jon Dev
8. Jay Ruhl
9. Justin Robertson
10. Ryan Sullivan
11. Stan Smirnoff
12. Phil Kerzhner
13. Alex Bari
14. Nick Griff
15. Parrish Isaacs
OMG! This is quite a list! Thanks everyone! V
Edited by Matt Dibble:
Get in this list!
1. Me
2. BK
3. Tyler Hale
4. Levon Fortin
5. Cade Jones
6. Jordie Robinson
7. Jordan Jasa
8. Hep Greg
9. Margaret Mulligan
10. Jason Beggs
11. Tyler Bonner
12. Josh Toy
13. Dalton Mazzante
14. Nick Griff
15. "retro12"
16. Dom Marconi
17. Jason Salajcik
18. Chris Koenig
19. Taylor Willis
20. Jake Hershey
21. Josh Kish
22. Joey Kish
23. Kyle Springer
24. Aidan Christie
25. Lucas Pudsey
26. Lloyd Bureau
27. Jon Bertolasio
28. Matt Somers
29. LamonteTyre
30. Logan Fuller
31. Joe Armstrong
32. Tommy Cotrell
33. Ryan Erwin
34. Andrew Gilbert
35. Tyler Hibbard
36. Brian Griffin
37. Cory Vanlew
38. Raymond Warner
39. Austin Neura
40. Rigel Fuller
41. Dan Barrett
42. Jon Reyes
43. John Mattes
44. Matt Ogle
45. Gus Rymer
46. Emilio Jimenez
47. Taylor B.
48. Dre
49. Nick Gardner
50. Matt Madera
1. Brandon Ruhl
2. Tommy Christiana
3. Ryan Upchurch
4. Andy Bradford
5. Hunter Bentle
6. Matt LashBrook
7. Jon Dev
8. Jay Ruhl
9. Justin Robertson
10. Ryan Sullivan
11. Stan Smirnoff
12. Phil Kerzhner
13. Alex Bari
14. Nick Griff
15. Parrish Isaacs
OMG! This is quite a list! Thanks everyone! V