Your theory on life?

Mickey G.

Whats your theory on how humans were made?
I don't believe that we came from monkeys.
I think that there is/ was another planet with people on it that decided to find a cleaner planet, and put like eggs of humans or something like that.
Or maybe all of our life is just a dream?
Who knows.
Whats your theory?


Steel Member
i believe god made everything
but if not i think we are a expierment for some aliens

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
the hell? I'm sorry anthony but I had myself a nice lol at that one.
It was a joke lol. Although if you think about it, it is possible.
This subject is like a Mindfuck in a bottle.
I know, and it drags me in. I hate when i start thinking about it because i can't stop.

Alright this is what i think..

If there really is a god, and a heaven, i honestly don't think it would be that great. If you think you get bored now what would you do for an entire eternity when everything is handed to you? Even smoking bud would get boring. But i doubt that there is a god. If there was a god he would make it a lot more evident that he is here. Theres to many contradictions in the bible for me to even believe a word of it. I'm not trying to turn this into a religious debate though so if don't agree with something i said, pm me about it or something lol.

It's really weird when you think about it. Why are we here? What is the point of us actually being here? I doubt there really is any. We just somehow showed up one day, and now we have this bullshit reality we created for ourselves to keep us from thinking about the big picture. If there even is a big picture. But i still want to live, because life is like a roller coaster and it's a challenge, and i love challenges. I get a rush off success, but at the end of my days, will it really even matter? I don't know.

When we die theres a few things i think are more likely than others. We die and there is nothing. Sounds bad but if you really think about it, are you really going to care? I wont because i will have no feelings at all. Or maybe life just resets itself, when you die you start your life over and you live and die again and that happens forever. Or maybe we are some sort of experiment, or im some sort of experiment and none of you are even real. I wish there was some way to prove what the meaning of life is without actually ending it, because when you die, is when you find out the meaning of life.

But i really don't like to think about it, it makes me depressed. I like to take things a day at a time and just think about the "reality" humans have created... yea.


Steel Member
It was a joke lol. Although if you think about it, it is possible.

They had some decent points, but most of it was simply fancy wording and running in circles. I cracked up when they said that when you're dreaming and your mind wakes up, you're in the 4th dimension. And that women are the downfall of humanity LOL (um, without them the human race would die out in 70-100 years?). And that they simply used a 12 second long youtube clip as their ultimate proof. Good stuff...


Steel Member
me and 3 of my friends were talking about this while we were high it was pretty interesting


Steel Member
you werent there it was brian miguel and vincent at like 9 or 10 oclock at night and we were on our way back from murr town


Steel Member
ok this is really random but my grandpa was in the air force for 25 years and he has been flying at night and seen strange lights that where not on his radar and shit ha and one time he was flying alone and a strange thing pulled up next to him and he said he could not tell what kind of "things" where in it trippy shit