your whip catch thread


Steel Member
when you spin, flip or any one trick liike that with a whip

do you spin and catch first or whip late

for example.

When i was doing flair whips today i found it was much easier to spin the whip on the second half rather than catch it upside down
yet i 360 whip and catch the whip exactly at 180 and let my body go round?

thoughts people?


I got myself banned.
well.... when i 360 whip i catch it at about 180, but i think its hard to get the other 180 for some reason :\


Staff member
Flipwhip i throw early
360 downwhip i throw really fast
360 whip i catch at 180-270


Super Moderator
Staff member
i CANNONT do 3 whips for my life
but on just 180 downsides i catch at like a little over 90

Michael Martinez

Michael Martinez
on 360 whips i catch my whips at sorta like 180ish 360 doubles same and 360 triples like 270 but with 360 whips late bar i catch my whip at 180 so i have enough time to throw my bar


dargersaurus rex
flip whips = throw and catch early. too bad im too much of a puss to flip again
360/180 whips = i catch as soon as i can
straight whips = catch as soon as i can