Search results

  1. parrish

    Addict Blacksmith Deck

    Thats not it I can tell. Probably some weird off brand.
  2. parrish

    Scooter stores in and around NYC.

    Spokesman Cycles is the only shop I know of in NYC that carries scooter parts.
  3. parrish

    Low priced 110s

    Nice bump Robert you chode.
  4. parrish


    are you aware of the tern trolling?
  5. parrish

    Rad is possibly done making bars

    So much scare. Not real happenings.
  6. parrish

    Riding Pictures

    What kind of forks are those? They look like two little spatulas.
  7. parrish

    New Monky clips...

    Fucking rad. p33333p. Park is soooo sick too.
  8. parrish

    Selling parts.

    How do I delete threads?
  9. parrish

    Selling parts.

    get at my bois.
  10. parrish

    The Best Deck on the Market

    I'm crossed between ethic and addict. Ethic is the best balance of challenge/lock in-ness for 5050s, but addicts are better for overcrooks. Both are super rad Kevin is probably the best at designing decks, I don't like on other parts though how he makes things like dainty and shit though.
  11. parrish

    Scooters to bikes help

    I gave an internet.
  12. parrish

    Got downrails

    Is that really you or is this a joke.
  13. parrish


  14. parrish

    Vertx 125 help

  15. parrish


    ^^^You deleted your post you terrible fucker.
  16. parrish


    ^^^You deleted your post you terrible fucker.
  17. parrish

    Addict/Ethic Question

    That fallout from chernobyls gotten to you...just use a spacer dude theres no harm in that and you can't mess up your 100$ fork.
  18. parrish


    Did you use paypal? File a claim on that fucker.
  19. parrish


    Yo shit don't work kid.
  20. parrish

    another what the fuck fuzion -____-

    dem nosegrinds doe.