okay so i have heels dialed on stuff, but the only thing is i change stances when i land. Idk what goes wrong, but do you guys have any tips to keep me from doing that? Btw if it matters, i ride goofy and heel to the left. thanks
sketchy af flat trucks
flyout trucks
t-bog transfers
feeble oppo 180 bar
hurricanes on flat rails
50/50 on flat rails
board bar
board whips (sketchy)
almost got doubles flat :D
yeah they're not really that strong, but for me i liked the size, great for whips, and it slid like butter on everything. Tbh i actually liked it, but i sold it haha.
There's also dsa or dominator completes. They have really good specs for the price, and you can get them off several sites. Plus you don't really need to upgrade anything. Hope it helps.
For 180 bars I like to throw them at around 90 or so and then catch and land. Helps to be able to catch, and as for dropping in, you could also try to just ride up and pull the front wheel and drop in. I find it easier because you're moving. I guess just keep your weight pretty central and your...