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  1. BenJelinek

    Stupidest songs of 2012.

    Chunks you are absolutely one of the stupidest people i have seen on here. Leave please
  2. BenJelinek

    Two Days Worth

    pretty good man. back feeb double downside out was sick
  3. BenJelinek

    702_dialed_rider be trippy mane

    you are an asshole
  4. BenJelinek

    Stupidest songs of 2012.

    get the fuck out
  5. BenJelinek

    Stupidest songs of 2012.

    lol my bad. anyway. all the radio songs, with a few exceptions like mumford and sons which was extremely overplayed.
  6. BenJelinek

    Stupidest songs of 2012.

    your either really really really retarded or really really really stupid or your kidding. i cant tell
  7. BenJelinek

    ICS Grit Compression Problem

    you have much to learn, young grasshopper
  8. BenJelinek

    night clipz

    its some sony handycam piece of shit
  9. BenJelinek

    night clipz

    high definition calculator. robert, its in the hometown of MV. 5 seconds from my house thanks peepz
  10. BenJelinek

    night clipz

    thogan says thank you (:
  11. BenJelinek

    night clipz
  12. BenJelinek

    Selling Trv900 setup

    moved. mike your not a mod dont try and be one cause it will get you nowhere
  13. BenJelinek

    She Devil Deck

    okay well when that happens you can make another thread.
  14. BenJelinek

    HD park clips

    your good but why did you ruin the video with the fat kid
  15. BenJelinek

    Zig Short: Scoot Scoot BANG BANG

    HAHAHAHAHAHA omg dude
  16. BenJelinek

    Ben Jelinek Stale Clips

    shit i totally forgot about that.. and its one of my favorite edits ever too.
  17. BenJelinek

    Riding Pictures

    hell yeah
  18. BenJelinek

    Zig Short: Scoot Scoot BANG BANG

    ^ hated that lol. there was some good shit in here though
  19. BenJelinek


    lucky fuckers
  20. BenJelinek

    Ben Jelinek Stale Clips

    thanks peeps and yeah i banana'd my addict like 1cm off the ground when i did that heelwhip