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  1. BenJelinek

    fuzion stepping it up?

    this belongs in the eye sore thread
  2. BenJelinek

    "october days"

    god damnit your style is too fucking good. shredder as fuck
  3. BenJelinek

    What state do you live in?

    yep, washington. 20 minutes from seattle, i plan on getting an apartment there in a couple years. the rain sucks but the people in seattle are so cool
  4. BenJelinek


    yeah, he takes it off everytime he does a barspin or a tailwhip
  5. BenJelinek

    Halloween costumes?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. im gonna be a dragon. cause dragons are the coolest
  6. BenJelinek

    Tommy Christiana 2012 Web Edit

    yeah, riding-wise it was awesome, filming wasnt great and neither was the editing really
  7. BenJelinek

    Sky High/Tilt Chicago Jam 2012.

    i felt like people never rode that first spot (the wallride) to its full potential, they always did really easy ----- but in this video it looked like people threw down
  8. BenJelinek


    tyler that shit is so dope. carson, same for you. if that district wasnt cut it would easily be one of my favorite rides in a while.
  9. BenJelinek

    The worst (read thread description) feelings in the world (be creative)

    looking outside and all you ever see is wet roads and rain
  10. BenJelinek

    Elyts Stylites Full DVD

    watch it homeslice. catalyst was on another fuckin level, like they arent even comparable,
  11. BenJelinek

    Elyts Stylites Full DVD

    bonners part is fucking EPIC, i watched the dvd on the actual dvd and i hated it, except for bonners part, its so intense. throws bangers like its no ones business
  12. BenJelinek


    tyler, that things rad
  13. BenJelinek

    things you HATE

    yeah this things just blowing up out of porportion now
  14. BenJelinek


  15. BenJelinek

    favorite rider

    <3 logan fuller, mckeen, hep greg, JACKSON MANZIE, chema, tom kvilhaug, mathias holst and kirk svensson. they all inspired me so much and over the past 2 years my style has progressed so much by looking up to their riding.
  16. BenJelinek

    shadow boxing

    i love all lurknyc videos. theyre too good
  17. BenJelinek

    Ryan Upchurch: "Coming Home" [Web Edit 2012]

    the back lip at the end was gnar
  18. BenJelinek

    streetwear thread

    those are just terrible
  19. BenJelinek


    karl and paul came to my local to give them to me
  20. BenJelinek


    bump because im riding a v2i see