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  1. Tom Cirbee

    Smaller deck for a smaller kid?

    Just get the ultra pro. Its extremely light, very easy for young kids to learn tricks on, and IT WILL NOT BREAK for a nine year old rider. Its the best deck for kids and its the cheapest on the market.
  2. Tom Cirbee

    project detention

    Get the fuck out of here. Dumb bitch.
  3. Tom Cirbee

    Tom Kvilhaug | Westward Bound

    Damn. Watch out, guys. We gotta screamer.
  4. Tom Cirbee

    Sunday Sample 1: Jon Knudtson

    That was so sick. Matt we should film one this Saturday at Andover. Its the last day for the season.
  5. Tom Cirbee


  6. Tom Cirbee

    Weekend montage

    Probably my least favorite song in the world. BTW Dirt Clod, back up your trash talking with some footy of your own... I wanna see a fly out bar.
  7. Tom Cirbee

    isaac coy throwaway.

    Jon Knudson, Ryan Gould, Raymond Warner, etc. Btw Isaac I am extremely jealous of the overcrooks.
  8. Tom Cirbee


    are those slayers spray painted?
  9. Tom Cirbee

    I want some SMX's!

    mine has a starnut. and i have ither axles so that wouldnt be a problem.
  10. Tom Cirbee

    I want some SMX's!

    Mines a lucky. I can throw in a black vertx 100mm
  11. Tom Cirbee

    I want some SMX's!

    same. its silver. trade for your phorx?
  12. Tom Cirbee

    Lots of good parts. Proto's, bars. forks, decks and more.

    SMX Fork, black vertex 100mm (98mm now), and an old micro metal core for the proto wheels?
  13. Tom Cirbee

    The ULTIMATE Pro Scooter design....

    Rider-owned companies are what the sport needs. All of the companies like District, Razor, Blunt, MGP, and others seem to only care about money, and not the parts. Only the riders know what is a good part and what isn't. We also need to go slap some sense into the little 12 year old's so...
  14. Tom Cirbee

    FT: Phoenix Black INTEGRATED with switchblade and grip

    This is the kinda shit that makes you seems unlegit. He is hosting the trade, so you send first.
  15. Tom Cirbee

    Ryan Erwin is BACK!

    Hell yeaa
  16. Tom Cirbee

    I want your fullcore grippers.

    ^trade you a pillowcase for all of them?
  17. Tom Cirbee

    Trade/sale for stuffff

    this thread is kinda old guys.