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  1. BenJelinek

    Streeet. {[Welcome to the WonTue.]}

    Best blog yet. Awesome
  2. BenJelinek

    say something about the person above you

    Should send me the rest of my money
  3. BenJelinek

    New Stuff On The SIte! :)

    Bolts are on the wrong side of the clamp. Fail
  4. BenJelinek


    Joe, I rode one and it was absolutely te best thing I had ever ridden. I have no idea why nick would trade because the French Id is amazing. And they are probably one of the strongest decks too, none have broken yet and they are TSI weight so they can't be bad as far as strength goes
  5. BenJelinek

    say something about the person above you

    Haz a clever avatar
  6. BenJelinek

    Brandon Weir's Erection Inducing Photo's Thread

    Dude I'm serious most of these are like pro. You could get hella money for these theyre awesome. I had no fucking clue
  7. BenJelinek

    Brandon Weir's Erection Inducing Photo's Thread

    I just saved every picture in here to my iPod lol
  8. BenJelinek

    Who's Your Favorite Rider(s)?

    fixEd. Sorry hep Greg
  9. BenJelinek


    Mm j
  10. BenJelinek

    Delete/ lock

    Tilt chromos and 30 for the scs
  11. BenJelinek

    THE H. I. C. son

    I liked my scs more. Kinda wish I still had it but mine was completely fucked up and my hic hasn't gotten loose once and I havent touched it in 2 1/2 months. scs is just a lot stronger
  12. BenJelinek


    Oh also muse, I don't care what your response to me is going to be because I already know. "lol oh silly litle kids i dos what I want. shut up cuz obviously your just a jerk haha"
  13. BenJelinek


    Dude Derek holy baws that thing Is awesome. Love it. Just ride it like that now haha! Ban me if you want, but muse your such a bitch. I understand teenagers stealing drinks and stuff, but your about to be a fucking mom an your stealing one of the most expensive things wal mart has in there...
  14. BenJelinek

    New Torn bars? Wanna know what you guys think?

    This has been my idea all along. Make the ID 1 1/4 so the shim will fit inside it, and make the OD 1 1/2 so it's strong enough. Now, you need a clamp. Integrated clamps never work out, so it's time for The Torn Clamp. Make one 1 3/8 for your normal bars and one 1 1/2 for your HIC bars. Riley I...
  15. BenJelinek

    Kanye West Appreciation Thread

    Love him. Have every album
  16. BenJelinek

    How much did your scooter cost?

    That's what you get for ordering such a gay setup.
  17. BenJelinek

    Dom Marconi Mini Video 3

    Haha we both love riding manny boxes and feeble to smith combos. I really liked the video, for being almost all park it was really interesting and fun to watch
  18. BenJelinek

    say something about the person above you

    Is an Australian with a girl name