Search results

  1. BenJelinek

    Tsi Thomcat (sell or trade) Phoenix 4.5 standerd TRADE.

    Do you race DH in port Angeles nw/fluidride cups?
  2. BenJelinek


    I want them...
  3. BenJelinek

    Nick griffin is gay

    Good one
  4. BenJelinek


    Bump Comments? I got a lucky today. I think I'm just gonna put it on my spare
  5. BenJelinek

    World First???

    Lulz at this thread. So happy Kyle is banned. Flo, that was SICK
  6. BenJelinek

    Crows for other bars

    Will sell for 65 shipped. PERFECT CONDITION 21 high in scs by 20 wide. Will trade for 20 wide bars must be same height or higher. Just offer what you have. Text me 2062959118 Preferably t bars
  7. BenJelinek

    FS/FT: BLACK crows

    Will sell for 65 shipped. PERFECT CONDITION 21 high in scs by 20 wide. Will trade for 20 wide bars must be same height or higher. Just offer what you have. Text me 2062959118 Also I would preferably want t bars
  8. BenJelinek


    What kind
  9. BenJelinek


    Tyler I love that thing. And guys thanks for the comments. I'm getting a white lucky with prime headtube tomorrow so yeah. I just wanted raw. And I reallyyyyyy want 20 wide t bars. I can't stand 18 though. I would trade my crows for 20 wide t's
  10. BenJelinek


  11. BenJelinek

    Nick griffin is gay

    I'm on the phone. With nick griffin. He thinks district v2 s dont come in red, only v1s. I think they do. Do they?
  12. BenJelinek

    Kent, WA

    Concrete skatepark? It's WA bro. Theres like 15 concrete skateparks in a 10 mile radius. But yeah I'm definitely down to ride with you. If your talking about park 360 that's brandons local. He can ride there in a few minutes and it's like 15 mins from my house I'll text you tomorrow dude...
  13. BenJelinek

    Stolen stuff from mothership, everret wa

    Dicks. Jimmy is barely making it by, a zg comets is worth like 650 in that shop and they sell. And when they do, that's a big profit for him. Goddamn it
  14. BenJelinek

    Ryan Scott Scooter check

    Stan and Tyler are also 10x better, and not an Australian 3rd grader
  15. BenJelinek

    Another Addict interview

    It is a typo. 30 inches would be stupid
  16. BenJelinek

    Tilt Park vs. Tilt Chromo

    no, chromo is better for everthing. it slides better on everything, and its WAY more durable
  17. BenJelinek

    bi herro

    No lock either? Wow.
  18. BenJelinek

    Zg headtube on lucky

    Can you put a zg integrated headtube on a lucky pro without any modifications?