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  1. BenJelinek

    Quality Literature Thread

    Lololol books. Damn books. I gotta say even though I don't read a lot whenever I get a book I finish it pretty quick because it's pretty entertaining if it's not some boring shit.
  2. BenJelinek

    In search of 22w HIC Crows Or Best Trade

    OG's are goooood. Btw legittt
  3. BenJelinek


    Tech scooter much
  4. BenJelinek

    COTW for Inside Scooters #8

    Aight haha you never know but a the last few ones haven't even had close as good riding as yours but they won cuz street is more interesting to watch
  5. BenJelinek


    I won't. It'd original and clean but that clamp is gay and it's a stock headset with the worst looking wheels I've ever seen. Sorry. It doesn't really have nice enough parts considering a big part of sotm is having good parts
  6. BenJelinek

    Your Least Favorite Thing About Scooter Riding

    When my scooter doesn't work the way I want it to after I work on it
  7. BenJelinek

    Wing deckplate for 5.0

    Wanna trade my wing dickplate (5 degrees concave, 4 inches in the front and tapers to 5 in the back, so in the middle it's 4.5) for a 5 inch dickplate. NO 4.5 or 4.0!! Unless yor Brandon weir.
  8. BenJelinek

    Skatebarn Thread

    Lol I saw this it was pretty bad. An edy I can film you?
  9. BenJelinek

    cooter con

    Yeah dude I think I'm going. We gotta train haha. If not Saturday (which I can probably go) how bout tuesday
  10. BenJelinek

    COTW for Inside Scooters #8

    Really good man. But you won't win because basically only street vids win the cotw
  11. BenJelinek

    cooter con

    That thing is hella easy It took me FOREVER to try it though it looks super scary but once you do it like 2 times you get it dialed. And I think it's 40 bucks which, considering it's on the weekend and a normal day pass is 30, isn't that bad
  12. BenJelinek

    cooter con

    Dude, I've done am in the last 7 cooter cons an last time I got 15th out of like 35 and I fell on everything even though I landed it all in practice... Everyone falls lol it's not terribly hard because I also got WAY better since then
  13. BenJelinek

    cooter con

    I'm winning am
  14. BenJelinek

    Just started.

    CJ threihart much?
  15. BenJelinek

    The TSI Flight Deck

    I jizzed so hard at this. Now I'm gunna be surprised if this beats my original freestyler cuz that thing is sex