
Woah! This is some crazy stuff dude! Sooo technical and details, and just perfect!!
I've got the flame wheel one as my screensaver :)
love it!


ISO/ASA can't be at 1210 lol. Probably at 1250. And with the 60D, you shouldn't be getting that much grain at 1250.

I blame it on the post processing. If I were you, I wouldn't EVER touch the sharpen tool.

EDIT: your metadata tells me that you sot at 1250


lol ok....thats why i said it was somethin like that

and yea i do toutch the sharpening, but i hear where ya comin from
its rly grainy and it shudnt be
but then again im use to my T1i where its not that sharp



ROCKS by Electric Arc, on Flickr

long exposure btw

Great shot. Be careful though! If you shoot with a skyline, it needs to be straight!

Some things to consider next time. Zoom into about 24mm instead of 18mm. The stock lenses are known to show some barrel distortion. Also, make sure that your camera is parallel to the ground.. not facing up, not facing down. You grab some funky perspective distortion if you dont.

BTW You can fix it in ps pretty easily.

Note: not saying this for all shots, just skyline ones.

Other than that, contrast could be bumped up a little. Not diggin the grays. And you should crop or clone out the mountains to the right. The mountains make it look realistic. When I see these types of photos, I wanna get lost in it, you know?

Also, I've shot at that spot, I know there are more rocks on the bottom, get lower. I wanna see em! 8)


hahahah thanks bro, nd ya ill remember to zoom in next time

my horizon ik sold be strate because im using the electronic level in the 60D

and its nice gettin commented by u because ur like the only person here who knows what they r doin ahhahahhaha

and the next time i go out to sf and shoot there, ill remember to do that
im like 35 min away from sf, so i go like ever 2 weeks or so

and i realy want to get a better lens, that 1 was taken with a cheep sigma 18-125
its starting to wear out after multiple years of intensive use, and my dad wants to upgrade it too, so hopfully ill get somethin that wont get distortions hahaha

nd u shud try doin the long exposure if you dont already do it
i use a pice of welders glass, it tints it a lil green but you just do wb correction or turn it into b/w


hahaha only one shot of scooters in this whole thread lulz! all the others are awesome especially the bugs.