ok bump
so rick is a dumbass and theres absolutely no way of him getting passed the primaries, the whole herman sex scandal that's going on will fuck up his chances too, bachman never even had a chance to begin with..
so that leaves 2 candidates that are actually well known and stand a fighting chance in the republican primary, ron paul and mitt romney.
mitt romney is a pile of uneducated ----- and ron pauls views are, for the most part, pretty good.
but mitt romney being a pile of uneducated shit is what could put him passed the primaries and ron paul actually wanting to do shit is what will fuck his chances up.
it could go either way on this one.
as far as the democratic primaries are concerned, obama has it in the bag. no one even knows who darcy richardson is and randall terry is a super religious nut that goes around in west boro baptist church style protests at abortion clinics with huge ass crucifixes (i shit you not he founded
operation rescue).. so obviously this flaming piece of extremist trash has no chance.
so basically its
mitt romney or ron paul
i think, its more than likely going to be romney for republican just because of his shitty uneducated views about a lot of things that republicans share, and if that's the case obama could pull a george bush and win the election, but in the event that ron paul wins the primaries, he will probably have it in the bag.
romney vs obama would be gay as fuck and it would basically be a popularity contest because both suck.
at this point, since gary johnson is relatively unknown and probably doesnt have a chance, im hoping for ron paul.