Back lips


Bronze member
Try to get the back wheel up higher so it helps get that part of the scooter over


Steel Member
Can anyone who can do them across whole rails give some tips? I've been trying to grind/balance them for longer distances but I can't seem to get it even though I've got front boards really good now.


Steel Member
Learning them, just try to jump higher and tap the rail to get the hop right. Then Idk bout holding them, I'm not good with back lips

Robert Reichley

Bronze member
Definitely a hard trick to get control with and to really lock into. Especially if the rail is high. When i do mine I hop, and kinda get the spin started when i pick my front wheel up, then once I feel im at rail height, kick my toes out til the deck is perpendicular
the stance is similar to front boards. keep your upper body pointed straight in the direction youre going. your waist is the only thing that should be twisted..
getting off the rail feels really awkward but try to twist out. keeping your weight over your bars will help you twist yourself so you land straight.
good luck.


Staff member
they arent the same as front boards. back lips are honestly easier because you can lean forward easier once you are on the rail because thats basically how you land on it (kinda push your heals into the rail since they are facing it) and on front boards its really hard to get the right balance on the rail


Bronze member
Just ride along side the rail and do more of a J-hop and keep your legs side by side and right after you jump, push the deck out like a moto whip behind you, and keep your bars straight and stiff. But i find it alot easier if you jump, turn the deck then almost lightly stomp the deck down on the rail. Balance isnt really key


Staff member
Alright. You have to get into that shit, like fucking slam it on there, and make sure that YOUR SHOULDERS ARE SQUARE. Shoulders should be parallel with the rail ideally. Press the ball of your foot wherever you want to lock into the rail, wherever you want your balance point to be and even out your weight accordingly. After you figure that out they're all practice, just gotta commit and leannnn into that shittt.


Steel Member
^^ true.

what helped me FIRST learn them is riding pretty parallel to the rail so you don't have to jump and spin 90 full degrees and are off balance when you get on the rail. if you can jump and all you have to do is get your back wheel over it is easier to start.

once you get that down so learning just to balance and do them grinding long rails, etc. it might be easier to do the opposite so you are really doing a boardslide where your back is totally turned and you are making an X with the rail and your board - if you end up fakie that is a good way to try/think about it but you'll learn how to control the grind a lot better the more ways you can do it (regular back lip, to fakie....) big fat rails help for learning obviously also