Backsweep or no backsweep?

Tom Cirbee

Super Moderator
Staff member
Deciding between Crowbars or Baby Slayers (18")
Just wanted to know what was more comfortable, and if backsweep is easy to bar


I got myself banned.
i had 18 wide backsweeps(homemade), i thot they were the best but then i got some real bars and now i can bar much better


hahahahahhahhaahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahhahahaahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahhhaahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhaahhahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha ^^^^^ i accually l;aughed at the computer ima dickhed


The name is Margaret
backsweep puts your wrists in a better position.
and if not more comfortable, its better for your posture, which in the long run
could possibly help your joints from permanent damage/stress/etc

and if you want proof
i have horrible wrists. and i rode crow bars for like 2 weeks and its was hella more comfortable
and my wrists didnt hurt so much.
(they were too heavy for tiny people with stupid wrist?)


It's true, backsweep puts your hands in a much more ergonomic position. I'd say 20+ you should run backsweep (if you can) but if you're running like 16 wide it doesn't matter too much.


I like my 21 wide backsweep bars. im only like 5 8 and it felt really good. if i put together another setup ima go back to my backsweep crossbar on my buffs. i thought 21 wide wud be too wide, but i love it. vid of me with backsweep. ppl say u cant ride wide if ur short. but to me, i dont think i look awkward with backsweep or 21 wide.