Brent Reid Day clips/WMM test and friends


Staff member
First video is of my good friend Brent, you probably heard his name but he just recently got me as a filmer so once I get my vx/new editing software you will see some super good stuff from both of us. This is obviously ----- and he didn't even land some of it so whatever.

The next I was just comparing quality on WMM, it actually looks really good IMO. It has me and my friend Blake in it

ian h.

Bronze member
everything was sick. I think the only thing i can add would to add color corrector or color curves. im assuming you using song vegas but i could be wrong. It would only add to the video quality. but then agian this was just like throwaway stuff so idk if you wanted to waste time doing that.


Staff member
I'm using a free editor haha. I have Sony Vegas on my computer but it won't open because I have windows xp. And thanks, yeah after I get my new camera I'm going to get a new laptop pretty soon here cause this isn't working very well.