Building quarter pipe

Frank T

Silver Member
I searched, didnt find any thing specific i wanted. Thinking about building a quarter cause ill be home alone all summer and wont be able to go to my local.
I have a few questions though, mostly about sizing. How tall and how wide should it be i really wasnt sure if 4 wide was to small of 3 tall was too small. Also do i need masonite or can i just use plywood and like seal it. Also approximately how much does this cost along with any other tips you guys may have

Frank T

Silver Member
i know where to get plans i just want suggestions about sizes cause ive seen different things, thanks though


Bronze member
it depends what you want to do, like if your gonna do airs make it about 5-6ft or just stalls make it like 2-3 and if your gonna do grinds make it wider. its all personal preference

Tyler Jones

There's nothing worse than breaking a hole through the ramp just cause you were too cheap to get another layer of ply


Bronze member
i've made three kickers before sorta similar i put a layer of half inch then a layer of 1/4 inch then of masonite


Staff member
The bigger you make it, the more room you will have to ride, its not like there is one certain size that is right.


Steel Member
I made a kicker and used 2 layers of 1/2. I also used "T Braces" to stregthen it. It looks like this-

(Look at the 2-4s under the plywood. That is what you need)
*Sorry if picture is big*
fuck yeah, Picture success.


My shitty local is an all metal park...the park sucks but the metal isnt slippery unless its wet...then its still not as slippery as a wet wood ramp.
If you are building you own ramps...either 2 layers of 3/8" plywood, a layer of tar paper, then a layer Skatelite on top of everything.
If you cant afford skatelite, just use 3 layers of 3/8" plywood (with 2x4 crossmembers)


Silver Member
massonite is supposed to be good for indoor but not if its permanently outside, it will break and warp fast. get treated plywood for outside and use some sort of weather resistant paint or varnish. also height is preferance, if you want to move it 4ft max and maybe 6ft wide but if it is permanent 8ft+ wide is much more ideal. for the steepness use this calculator to try and wee what you want (more steep is more for airs mellow for stalls) (link dosent work well anymore :()