Buying a camera


Steel Member
Each can look great if you know how to use them. There are only a handful of SD cameras that produce good quality footage, but plenty of HD cameras that perform well. Personally, I would rather see a video shot on a VX/MK rather than one of the many Sony Handycam/Opteka X Grip/Baby death setups that are so very common with scooter kids.
Newer HD cameras are generally easier to use, with HDD and Flash memory. But, your computer has to be pretty beefy to be able to edit good HD footage.
SD cameras use MiniDV tapes, which require you to playback the footage and record it into your system, which of course, is a real pain. But, SD footage is a lot smaller of a file and you don't need to be using a transformer to edit it.

There are the pros and cons to each side, it all comes down to knowing how to use your setup and personal preference.

When he says beefy cpu for editing HD, he means it. My Toshiba Satellite took hours to do anything with an edit's worth of clips, but my brother's Dell (2 TB hard drive, 8 gb ram, etc. basically top of the line stock cpu) could manage in a fraction of the time.

D ∆ V I D

Basic Bunch
gl1 with an opteka and bag and goodies should be 350 at most! gl1s arent terrible, they tend to have an ugly green tint in their footage. the mics however, are shit. shouldnt really be a problem if youre filming scootering, seeing as scooters shouldnt make much noise. for 650 though, you could possibly find a vx1 raymod. that is a decent setup and the raymod is wide and the vig is clear. mk1 is kinda ideal but that would eat up your entire budget