Christian and Zach Edit.


Staff member
Lol I'm sorry I just think that in comparison, since they are in rhe same video, the other guy looks way better. Not that the other guy Is bad or anything but the only thing he did was hang fives going like 2 mph. Not trying to offend anyone
hahahahaaaa at what benJ was sayin, and zach didnt you say you could do like 15 to 20 feet long fakie hang 5's in the trick thread, yet your normal hang 5 clips are not too good :/
not tryin to offend ya btw,


Steel Member
i can but we filmed that all in 30 minute and didnt feel like wasting time trying to land one

Bear Grylls

Not to burst you bubble but zach can hang five for a pretty long time. Fakie hang fives not so much longest one ive seen was like 5 feet