District v-2 vs v1-dki

Dude, you're an idiot. These aren't made by district, they're made by addict. And you probably could snap that after falling 6 "fett", these decks are made for riders who aren't sketchy, that ride street really clean.
well shut up ok i typed this in the pitch black and there will be errors and ive read many of your posts and you seem like a bitch and a jackass


Bronze member
well shut up ok i typed this in the pitch black and there will be errors and ive read many of your posts and you seem like a bitch and a jackass

it doesnt matter if its pitch black the light from the comp lets you see also if it really is pitch black if anything it should be better your spelling as there is less light coming from other areas letting you see the computer screen better than ever


Yes my boy has snapped his District V2 deck after only 3 months. He is 35 klos so really a light weight. I feel V1 was crap..V2 is not much better so why go for the next one. With 30days warranty you would be better of with MGP, blunt or razor ultra decks..Tried and tested to not snap easy.