drop Vs ,striker


Trade bars maybe?
I have phoenix HIC suicides in black 2 months old only great condition.
22 wide 21 high has the clamp welded on the back it costs 130 in stores.

I wanna try scs so if you wanna trade, please raw the bars and I'll include 1 week old vans cult waffle grips in red, bolts, cap, everything.

Im kinda wanting to trade you for your bars, grips, and half knuck if you wanna trade.

This? Or ill buy them for 55 shipped


Wait how do you know hahahah?
And sweeet, i have the money in my hands right now. I'll ship cash in mail. Im on the legit list so think you could ship same time? I'm willing to give you my parents number, my name and address so....


Steel Member
Wait how do you know hahahah?
And sweeet, i have the money in my hands right now. I'll ship cash in mail. Im on the legit list so think you could ship same time? I'm willing to give you my parents number, my name and address so....

Ok he's on vacation for the weekend I'm talking to him he says maybe but he really wants scorchers


Aww ok, then tell him just the bars and to raw it out for me and clear coat it and then ill do 55 shipped.

When's he getting back?


Alright cool tell him this.
Raw the bars and clear coat them. I'll buy it for 55 shipped, money in mail.