EVERYTHING You Need To Know About SCS, HIC, and ICS! All Questions Answered!

So many people ask how does this or that compression work. Now link them here! This super thread includes what the compression is, how it works, what you need, where to buy, what to buy, different brands and changes, how to fix problems, videos, and photos of the compression. Give me lots of feed back on how to make this thread better and your comments. Rate the thread up and thanks mods for sticking this. Also, sorry in advance that I could not get all my own photos but image credits were added.

S.C.S. (Standard Compression System):
SCS is strong works well and you are able to use a threadless fork. SCS raises the height of your bars up to 2 inches. The most well known SCS are Proto Brass Knuckles. There is also Proto Baby Brass knuckles, Phoenix SCS, and hella dank (ghetto knucks.)

You need:
x1 threadless fork
x1 SCS set (brass knucks, hella dank, WMS, pheonix)
a. scs clamp
b. 1 1/8" starnut
c. compression bolt
d. compression clamp​
x1 1 1/4" bars WITH shim or 1 3/8" bars (NO SLITS)
x1 threadless headset


Proto SCS:
Inward Scooters
Sky High Scooters
SR Store

Proto Baby SCS:
SR Store

Hella Dank (ghetto scs):
VNC Scooters

Proto SCS: $65
Proto Baby SCS: $70
Hella Dank: $15
Phoenix SCS: unknown

Threads is Separated From the Flanges on Starnut-
If your threads (small circle in middle) on your starnut separated from the flanges (metal that sticks off and bends) then you have two options. You can fix it or get a new starnut. To fix it get a welder to put and small tack weld on the edge of the threads to hold it in place. You can also get a new starnut. You either can install the new starnut above the old one or remove the old one by drilling many holes in the starnut until it is destroyed or pull up each segment of the flange until it can be removed.

SCS Bolts are Stripped-
Two things you can do. First, get a stripped bolt removing set from Home Depot and just use the special screw head to just unscrew it. Or another thing you can do is take the next size allen and hammer it in the hole and unscrew it. Either way you need to get a new bolt.

SCS Bolt is Stuck-
Sounds like you've made the stupid yet so simple mistake of tightening the bolts up one at a time. You must saw the bolt in half then cut a slit in the threaded half (as appose to the bolt head side) so that you can get a chisel/screw driver on it just enough to twist it out.


^proto's image^

^my image^


^top two, VNC scooters^

H.I.C. (Hidden Internal Compression):
HIC is pretty much a hidden SCS. It uses the same basic concept except that it is all inside your bars/forks where it is "hidden." All RAD and TSI bars with HIC all ready come with the HIC set and Lucky 1 3/8 HIC Bars.

You Need:
x1 1 3/8" bars (WITH SLITS)
x1 HIC set
a. HIC shim
b. compression cap
c. compression bolt
d. 1 1/8" starnut​
x1 threadless fork
x1 threadless headset

Video: http://vimeo.com/9332389

TSI Scooter's HIC Set:
TSI Scooters

TSI's HIC: $15

THE H.I.C. son by Stan Smirnoff

Threads is Separated From the Flanges on Starnut-
If your threads (small circle in middle) on your starnut separated from the flanges (metal that sticks off and bends) then you have two options. You can fix it or get a new starnut. To fix it get a welder to put and small tack weld on the edge of the threads to hold it in place. You can also get a new starnut. You either can install the new starnut above the old one or remove the old one by drilling many holes in the starnut until it is destroyed or pull up each segment of the flange until it can be removed.


^tsi scooter's image^

^Stan Smirnoff's photo^


I.C.S. (Inverted Compression System):
ICS is another good compression system. Unlike the SCS and HIC, ICS has it's starnut in the bars.

You Need:
x1 1 1/4" bars (WITH SLITS)
x1 ICS set
a. 1 1/4" Starnut
b. compression cap or washer
c. compression bolt​
x1 threadless fork
x1 threadless headset

Proto ICS
Inward ICS
Lucky's ICS

Proto: $17
Inward: $8
Inward's Redneck: $6
FrenchID: $16-$32

ICS Becomes Loose-
All ya gotta do is put some locktite on your bolt then tighten everything up ;)
Threads is Separated From the Flanges on Starnut-
If your threads (small circle in middle) on your starnut separated from the flanges (metal that sticks off and bends) then you have two options. You can fix it or get a new starnut. To fix it get a welder to put and small tack weld on the edge of the threads to hold it in place. You can also get a new starnut. You either can install the new starnut above the old one or remove the old one by drilling many holes in the starnut until it is destroyed or pull up each segment of the flange until it can be removed.


^proto pics^

^proto pic^


Questions? Comments? Critiques?



S.C.S. (Standard Compression System):
SCS is strong works well and you can use a threadless fork.

You need:
x1 threadless fork
x1 oversized starnut
x1 SCS set (brass knucks, hella dank, WMS)
a. scs clamp
b. starnut
c. compression bolt
d. compression clamp
x1 bars (NO SLITS)
x1 threadless headset

SCS raises the height of your bars up to 2 inches. The most well known SCS are Proto Brass Knuckles.


SCS Needs 1 1/8" or 1" starnut dependant on your forks, not oversized(1 1/4"). Correct me if I'm wrong... Just trying to help think it's a great thread and should definitely be stickied! Maybe add sizes..? :)
thanks guys for the feedback! I added all the sizes for starnuts and fixed a small mistake on the HIC photo (the bars didn't come over the shim)


I got myself banned.
i thought this would be another thread asking what the difference was. good job on this.
someone sticky this, and this also makes no excuse for retard little kids asking if they can put an scs on a threaded fork with stock bars (cough* enzo cough*). Zach this is so clear its ridiculous good job with this.


the starnut is included when you buy an SCS, so you don't need to buy a seperate one...
but a 1 1/8" will fit almost any fork... (I got one in my frID fork, and that has a pretty thick forktube)