Bear Grylls
Honestly tech deck wheels feel like poop after you use bearing wheels haha. I need outdoor wheels
Haha at clairemont they have a fingerboard skatepark
Greg what are your setups?
watch my fucking videos negros.
i think its funny how serious some of you guys take fingerboarding. especially when your fingerboard stuff costs as much or more as real skateboard stuff.
i know playing with a techdeck might be fun but paying over $100 on a fingerboard is the stupidest thing i have ever seen. i would never pay over $5 for a fingerboard
i think its funny how serious some of you guys take fingerboarding. especially when your fingerboard stuff costs as much or more as real skateboard stuff.
i know playing with a techdeck might be fun but paying over $100 on a fingerboard is the stupidest thing i have ever seen. i would never pay over $5 for a fingerboard
ok? no one cares, gtfo.