

Steel Member
I used text books and binders. One time I used a sink...

I find it extremely hard to believe that tech dekkin' has gotten so big haaa


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yeah, 9cdmc, let me get some of the tape that is more porous, and I will review it on FFI.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Tom I'd rather smooth cause more people like that but if you bought a piece for 1.99 I would

Nah, and if you want reviews, making people buy it isn't gonna help. You clearly do not know how to start a company.


Yes tom I'd rather give it to someone who makes reviews and features them like Kerry
And it's not like you just gave out a bunch of your decks


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes tom I'd rather give it to someone who makes reviews and features them like Kerry
And it's not like you just gave out a bunch of your decks

Actually I gave out around 4, one to Kerry and to some other fingerboarders, not random kids on SR with a China Fingerboard company. Also, a deck takes time and hard work to make, tape takes about 3 clicks of a mouse to order, no work goes into it on your part. In no way should tape be compared to a deck.


Actually I gave out around 4, one to Kerry and to some other fingerboarders, not random kids on SR with a China Fingerboard company.

I didn't ask you to give me a deck.
Tape isn't from china, only thing that is manufacured is the trucks.... And never did I say it didn't take hard work, I in no way was comparing anything.