headset leaning


Bronze member
My top cap on my headset is like leaning backwards and sometimes grinds on the headset cup, I've gotten 2 different headsets and re did my star nut 3 times, same problem, can anyone help me out? Im using the pro comp HIC clamp btw


clean your headset. make sure your HIC is tight but not too tight, and make sure your clamp is fully tightened.

edit: mason sounds correct.


Steel Member
My District headset came like that. The topcap scraped. I just put a 1 1/8 O-Ring under the top cap and it works perfectly


hahaha all of you guys are wrong (not bein a dick) kc had the same problem for a long time and even rode without his top cap cause of it. the problem is not having all the slits lined up (bars hic clamp ect). when the slit isnt lined up the shim pushes down on the cap un evenly causing it to grind.

so remember kiddos keep your alignment like your sex, good and straight!