Helmet Check?

no he stopped after that. but then i whipped it like 5 minutes after. lol i didnt even have a heeadache or anything, its because it was one of those old vigors like 4 years old that have like massive foam shit in it and absorb everything. haha


Steel Member
ive only wore a helmet once at the skatepark when i started riding like 2 years ago. now you dont have to, but no scooter allowed in my park anymore :( .

i couldnt tell how you hit your head at first. did the scooter hit it?
your an idiot dibble!!! you can eat shit and bust your dome just as easy as when riding park...dude, im going to wear a helmet everysecond of my life now. lol!


Im with Kyle, I usually wear mine when im driving, or in the shower, and sometimes when i walk up my stairs...never know one wrong move, and your life could end...BUT you got a helmet...and its like...Bring That Shit On Bitch!...ahh snap...im not supposed to use profanity...hmm....Anyways, that was a gnarly lil clip, i hope Twan lands it eventually, and Nooner...thats the best clapping ive ever seen.