so ur a girl. how old r u? cause if you get good you will get sponsered real easy.
a woman, is that why muse is in ur name?
i learned all my basic tricks on razor a1,
"cool story bro"
yep it was
Wow. I've been riding for like 3-4 years and your setup is like twice as good as mine. Soooooo unnecessary.
Edit: might as well ban him right now rob.
Sorry, I hate to be a dick, you'd understand if you'd been in this sport for a while.
We're not exactly jealous, it's hard to explain. And I can bike a little. It's not my primary sport, just do it with some people who don't scoot.
well i can flair tuck on bikes. does that make me cooler than you? buy the way i ride a haro x1 with mongoose tires
yea sure i can backflip and flair as well on a bike but i dont have a pos that will break off a curb. but whatever floats ur boat man
damn sorry 4 calling u a guy i didnt kno haha goood luck and do u hav any clips?
lol, honestly she has the right idea.
if you have the money why not buy what you want? i know everyone here would buy a brand new setup when they first started if they knew this was out there and had the money.
but stick with scootering now that you spent all that money on one lol.
hi i just ordered a scooter 2 days ago and it should be here Tuesday or Wednesday so i will post pictures then... but i didnt exactly know what to order please let me know your thoughts whether i ordered good parts or if i should upgrade. BTW im a girl not a boy!!
Here is my custom scooter specs:
Deck: Red phoenix non integrated 4.5 wide
Forks: phoenix phorx black
Bars: raw phoenix suicides
Compression: scs knuckles black
Grips: odi long necks black
Brake: fakey brake
Wheels: twizz black quakes
Bearings: black panthers
Grip: black magic
headset: cane creek