Help with clearing stairs.

Hey guys i'm new to the scooter business and I would like some tips on how some of you guys clear your stairs. I know that it's pretty straight forward but i'm having trouble clearing a 5-step at my school. I can clear 1s, 2s, 3s, and sometimes 4s but every time I try and clear this 5-step i stack and because I've eaten shit so many times on it my legs are killing me, I've bruised the bone in my left shoulder and I have a possible fracture in both wrists. So I would like to know your guy's preferences on the way you clear steps.


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
Asshole of a stair set.
More speed, commit and jump and land that shit.


Silver Member
Run like fuck jump like fuck and commit like fuck. My friend tought me something the other day, if you pussy out doing something, you will hurt yourself more than if you just play it out. It works for me, I commit now and something that I would normally bail out of I keep, and ride away sketch or land on my feet running. Basically,

Take people with you that think your a pussy so they call you a pussy and say your a pussy. Nothing more motivating than the potential to make them shut the fuck up.


Arnor Smari

Bronze member
Well you really don't need some crazy speed.. just go as fast as you think you need to go and remember to bunnyhop off it. If you bunnyhop high enough you will without a doubt clear it.

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
Quit being dicks, he's asking for help not criticism. There's no need to call him a pussy or tell him he fails.

Just go really fast and do a small hop, that way when you land it won't hurt your ankles, wrists, or anything.


Staff member
when you jump make sure that you land with your wheels even or with your back wheel first but landing with both of them even is better so you dont fall back. so, you have to go faster than your obviously going right now so make the jump small so you dont land on your front wheel first and so that you have more control when you land so you dont crash.