how do u strech an SCS

edy boi

allright if any of you guys read that legit senior review in the fork section you would know that you have to stretch ure scs if u do it quick it doesent mess it up

Andy Mickey

ughh i hate new scs. its so tight lol. flat head screw driver, but it will scratch. tape the head of the screw driver.


It's meant to be tight, it makes it so it doesnt have to clamp up so tight. I usually just lightly tap a chisel into the middle of the gap and just slide it over the fork then pull the chisel out and do it up but i'm sure the penny/coin trick forks too.


Get it on your fork a little then it hit with a rubber mallet. Or put a big screwdriver or something else to pry it open a little and push it down. Or take a bolt from the bottom out and put it in the opposite way (so it starts threading first thing) and thread it until it is almost through the slit. Put a coin between the side of the SCS and the bolt then screw the bolt in some more so that the SCS stretches.