How to polish parts


Steel Member
Clean part
Wet sand
Let dry
Use car polish and drop like a some to a quarter size on a rag
Rub the hell out of your part til it becomes shiny and the extra polish is gone

Wait for Lamay's method before trying mine x]
I sent him a PM

true, what you're doing isn't going to be a legitimate business, but something where you can make money on the side for something that not everyone has access to. You obviously have a great technique and you should definitely just make a sticky for everyone living in the rest of the us/world


Bronze member
i just use oven cleaner to get the anodizing off the use my bench grinder with the buffing wheel and some alumina polish. gets it chrome shiny


Bronze member
Won't over time they'll oxidise in the air and go a lot duller?

Technically Yes but that will only happen with neglect- not cleaning the part or leaving it out in the elements for an extended amount of time.

But since they are Polished- all nice and clean- every little ding scratch shows up pretty good so don't expect Polished parts to remain pristine on a scooter.


Silver Member
Polishing is easy, I've never done it to scooter parts but I've rawed bike frames and polished them, (after rawing) just wet sand them and then use a real fine grit sand paper on it (Go in circles for a nice finish) and them grab yourself a rag and polish them with silvo or something similar until they are shiny. Put some elbow grease into and do it for a good 5-10 minutes. You can clear coat over it to prevent rust but it's kind of a waste of time, I believe silvo itself has anti rust properties. Probably not how your meant to do it but it worked for me more than once