I JUST arrived at a friends...

when I spotted a picnic table nearby. I headed over and decided to try a bri off the seat. As I rode up to the end, a bee stung me in the back of the leg and I saw my friend nearby, therefore I thought he grabbed me. I landed the briflip but my back wheel snagged the edge of the seat. I did the most perfect faceplant at a 90 degree angle. I managed to walk away with 4 gashes on my face, a swollen nose, bloody tooth, and absolutely NO damage done to my hands or body. It took a solid 2-3 seconds for the rest of my body to impact after I hit.

Afterwards, I went to a local sporting goods store and bought some new grips, bolted my scooter, and off I went to ride again.

Thanks man, it wasn't as painful as the aftermath though. Right now its just like 3 annoying scabs crunching my face up. According to mother, I am no longer allowed to do bris, yet that isn't stopping me, haha.


Steel Member