If you could see one part from PROTO...

Tom Cirbee

Super Moderator
Staff member
Raw parts such as the bars and the strikers. Also, tanks, babyslayers without holes in them, and the old version of the gold scs'. That color was so much better than the gold now.


Bronze member
maybe a new improved version of the proto wings and proto tanks, maybe do like what they did to the slayer kites to the new wing bars.

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
125's will happen one day. its just a whole different game once you get into 125's most parts wont even work with 125's so think about how many dumb kids are going to buy them and then be like fuck they dont work on my scooter and they bitch.

River wheels are still orange and blue. Once people get sig wheels they will pick what they want. stefan wanted purple on grey so thats what we gave him