just another reason to WEAR YOUR HELMET!


Steel Member
Were these posts really nessasary? Plenty of people ask me why I wear a helmet. I find it quite silly to answer to their ignorance because everyone knows why, it just seems that people think less of you if you do wear one. I don't think it's an incorrect decision not to wear a helmet, I just see it as a risk taken every time riding. I don't like to take that risk.


issac miller

Bronze member
helmets just seem unnesscary to me.
they have never helped me if i've hit my head, i don't fall directly on my head it's my face and the helmet doesn't protect my face one bit.
and i am a great faller i know how to hold my arms out to avoid head injury, i'd rather have a broken arm than a broken face. just learn how to fall correctly. all shall be good.


Steel Member
your a fucking dickhead
how? i'm stating a physical fact. i also think it's pretty bogus how you called me out when i made a legit contribution and was being serious in this thread, and when zach and that other guy were being kanoodles, you didnt say anything. not very mature esepcially coming from somebody who models for hollister and rides for razor dude!!
but seriously that was dumb how you responded to me.

did you ever find it?


james edixon

Bronze member
a helmet has saved me so many times its scary..i normally dont fall on my face cause i know how to fall after riding for 5 years and you learn how to protect yourself by usually putting your arms out or twisting your body for the best impact (unless its an unpredicted fall like your forks snap) but the reason i wear a helmet is for the back of my head like when you slip out or an inward goes wrong.


Bronze member
I wear helmet most of the time at park, always when i do bigger gabs/180 over gabs
Same at street. When im doing gabs/something big i wear a helmet.
Kneepads ALWAYS exept messing on flat.

I have hitted my head many times, but helmet has protected me everytime.


Bronze member
I pooshooted spine the other day and smashed my head on the ground so hard it cracked the helmet, I would of been fucked if I wasn't wearing one now I always wear it no matter what