Military school

May not be thread worthy w/e.
I got a letter of acceptance into a 5 1/2 month military academy today. I am so scared of what my future will bring when I attend (starts 9/26) I am not worried about the physical workouts but being away for that long. I get thanksgiving break and christmas break that is all. I'm scared I won't come back the way I was, (always jking around and foolish). I dont want to be a disciplined robot who doesnt joke around. I also can't scooter for months!!! I know you probably don't care but I had to get this off my chest somehow...

And btw I am 16 years old, my bday is in november. When I graduate in march (I'll be 17, I get my diploma and crap. I am done high school!!)


i thought military schools were a last resort like when people are little shits to theyre parents so they get shipped off to military school