I'm gonna be a ass here and point out a few things. This is not in actual defense of TV, I'm an aussie and ive worked in a scooter shop but this is common sense that you should know.
1. it's a scooter, it's made to be ridden and you are worrying about a scratch/dent of the box? TV is probably used to stuff like this but i say to you, don't be so petty, you couldn't damage the product to the point you cant ride once out of that box. Envy know this stuff happens and helps out the shops by designing their packaging well enough to prevent actual damage of the product and save the shop time money effort etc, it's business and you the consumer should know that.
2. it's the busiest time of year for scooter shops and for postal service and its probably insured against the postal service of choice if it did actually damage the product so you might think it could be over-looked but i do think another box wouldn't of helped much unless it had extra bubble wrap and stuff, thats a waste of them types of material when considering point 1.
3. you should of specified that you didn't want the package capable to be damaged if this were the case and thats on your back now.
Now what?