there will be 3 days of no sun between the 26-29 of september
of course there wont.
and anthony ahahahaha
there will be 3 days of no sun between the 26-29 of september
im not bothering with replies to any of that, i have the answers to everything your all saying and getting cranky at me about, but if i explained, what is it going to do, cause more controversy, thats not what we want on this site
im not bothering with replies to any of that, i have the answers to everything your all saying and getting cranky at me about, but if i explained, what is it going to do, cause more controversy, thats not what we want on this site
there will be 3 days of no sun between the 26-29 of september
so has anyone checked the link for the alignments and what happened on the dates yet?
on average theres well over 14,000 earthquakes a year over a 4.0... earthquakes like those happen EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Well I read some of this article: for yourself!! if you dont beleive me, maybe you can find some stuff that will prove it to you! then when you have done enough research to determine your points your all throwing at me, then you can come and attack me, ok peeps research for yourself so its not coming from me
He's saying that Earthquakes don't JUST happen when this comet is in a certain alignment. They happen every day. That ALONE discredits pretty much every bit of "evidence" you've given so far. Fuck I had an easier time explaining geometric theorems to my 5 year old cousin.yeah, go on?
yeah, go on?
There seems to be a pattern forming every time Elenin lines up with Earth and another planet or the sun we have an earthquake, the nearer Elenin gets the bigger the earthquakes.
ummmmmmmm but every alignment has caused major earthquakes? only 2 of them are mag 5, the rest are big, 2 of them knocked the earth off axis? all on alignment dates.
research for yourself!! if you dont beleive me, maybe you can find some stuff that will prove it to you! then when you have done enough research to determine your points your all throwing at me, then you can come and attack me, ok peeps research for yourself so its not coming from me
the evidence your putting into this thread means nothing though? why waste my time posting things from lying government connections such as nasa, if you guys browsed youtube as well youd find that the planet is actually visible all over the world, we have 2 suns now, an extra moon, and you cant honestly say that earth is acting normal? the earth, is shitting bricks
wtf are youse looking at earthquakes for! look at the real thing, browse youtube, there is sufficiant info on there! fuck youse succeeded, im cranky now, im going for a fuckin smoke haha