Nose tricks on to Curbs, Boxes, Ledges...ect


Bronze member
Hey Guy's :)
So in the past few months I've been able to learn hang 5's, nose manny's and like that front peg nose trick that Tyler Bonner does, Ive gotten all three of these dialed to death on flat but the only trouble is that I can't do them on curbs, boxes...ect (jumping up on to a box and getting into a nose manny),
Ive tried doing them on to a curb but every time I either hit the ledge and fall forward or either get on to the curb and they just falling out of the nose manny.
For those of you that can do them (Have them dialed everywhere) if you could please give me some key tips it would be really helpful :)

Frank T

Silver Member
i really like doing nose manual tricks so i can try to help. When doing nose tricks its almost like that sweet spot of balance that you hold to keep up the manual, gettin onto the curb or whatever you just have to be able to hop right into that balance point and cant wiggle around finding it like you can on flat. it takes practice and often commitment because youll find you have to lean forward quite a bit to get it and can easily go over the bars. start on smaller shorter objkects and a higher speed because its easier to stay balnced then move to something bigger and then try nailing them while going slower to really make sure you are balancing


Staff member
I didn't read frank's shit so I don't care if he already said this. You have to commit. You have to jump up way higher than the thing you're trying to nose manual, and actually be in the sweet spot before you get on the obstacle, so that when you land on that shit, it'll be just like you're doing one on flat. You don't want to try to lift your back wheel up while you're on the obstacle, you want to be there when you get on. Sounds to me like thats your problem.