omg u passed


good job, I smoke pot everyday and have a 3.7 gpa and am in honors classes... I bet yall feel super smart now :)


Steel Member
I have a 2.6

Grades are:
C+ (because mrs. hobbit would rather put grades in as F's before she grades them then putting them in as recieved, should be an A)
F (failed a math test)
D (got lazy, forgot about a tit load of work)


Honestly middle school doesnt count for ----- 10th grade and up count, plus who cares what your middle school grades are other than your parents?


Steel Member
9th grade counts. People don't think it does but it does. Kinda depending on what classes your taking. I'm in algebra 3-4, which is an 11th grade class (I think). I'm also taking web design, which counts for college credit somehow.


I got myself banned.
my teachers hated me so much after i got caught that they used to throw away my homework and give me zeros and no one would ever listen to me. and they wouldnt let me switch schools for some weird reason so i dropped out to get my ged. which is worth it because now i dont have to worry about a gpa and ill be going to collage next year.